via Ferrebeekeeper

From our very beginning, we’ve been driven by a deep admiration for the natural world – especially the cold, icy, and, sometimes, unforgiving environments of the North. As an outerwear company, our goal is to bring warmth, comfort and joy to those living in Northern climates. 

With the second edition of Quartz Co. Explore, we shed light on the beauty of our wintery surroundings, whether it’s a frozen lake in Southern Alberta or a sea slug native to British Columbia’s chilly Pacific coast.  

Frozen methane bubbles beneath the surface of Alberta’s Lake Abraham.

These stunning, icy bubbles are formed when plants and tree limbs on the lake bottom begin to decay. This process produces methane gas bubbles, which become trapped in ice, suspended just below the lake’s surface during the winter months.

via @somethingcurated

The Alabaster Nudibranch

The alabaster nudibranch is a sea slug native to the cold waters of the eastern Pacific, off the coast of British Columbia. These mollusks’ transparent appendages are edged in bright, white lines which appear to glow underwater.⁠

via Fine Art America

Ice rings on New Hampshire’s Mirror Lake

Scientists are still stumped as to why these concentric ice circles have appeared on the surface of New Hampshire’s Mirror Lake. One possible theory is that the surface ice has taken the shape of the river’s currents as they move around protruding river stones. While few other theories exist, these ice rings remain one of winter’s beautiful, unsolved mysteries.

via @straymountain

Ice caves in Patagonia, Argentina

Au-dessous de l'équateur, près du pôle Sud, se trouve le parc national argentin Los Glaciares. Cette vaste étendue de forêt subpolaire protégée abrite une pléthore de merveilles enneigées, notamment 47 glaciers d'eau douce et les grottes de glace scintillantes qui y sont naturellement creusées.

via BBC

Sastrugi dans les régions arctique et antarctique

Se traduisant par "petites crêtes" du russe zastrugi, sastrugi est le nom donné aux crêtes dures qui se forment à la surface de la glace de mer et de lac des régions arctiques de la Terre. Les sastrugi se forment de la même manière que les dunes de sable dans le désert, lorsque de petits granules de neige sont emportés par des vents forts et gèlent solidement pour former ces magnifiques motifs ondulés.

via Steven Gnam

via Pixabay

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